What the difference between "WILD Crafted" and "Certified ORGANIC" herbs?

What the difference between "WILD Crafted" and "Certified ORGANIC" herbs?

Wild crafted herbs and plants are not farmed or sprayed with any kind of pesticide. They are plants that are wild, native and organic by their own nature and which retain the positive attributes of plants grown in their normal habitat.

Certified Organic herbs and plants are grown on a farm and produced according to standards which translate into no harmful pesticides, fertilizers or GMO plants (genetically modified organisms) to enhance their growth. Before they even hit the shelves, certified organic products must pass strict criteria to earn the right to be labelled as such.

These organic products may be healthy, yes, but because ingredients are grown under ideal conditions and not necessarily in their natural habitat, they may not retain all the attributes of their wild crafted counterpart.

According to scientific research, herbs grown in the wild contain 4 times more nutrients than herbs grown in ideal conditions.

Both Wild Crafted and Certified Organic products are free of harmful chemical additives and are much better and safer than their commercial grade counterparts.
However, if you can't get wild herbs, go for organic.

✔Choose herbs packed in closed and ecological packaging.

✔ Look for color, texture, taste, and smell. Dried herbs should look, taste, smell almost like they do when they are fresh. If the dried herbs have lost their color and scent, they have also 
lost their flavor and potency.

✔However, it's important to note that many locally-sourced fresh herbs, such as those from the farmers market, may not have organic certification even though they are grown using organic practices.

✔Choose herbs grown without heavy pesticide sprays or toxic soil additives when you are able to do so.
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