About us

We are Shagalov family (Nina, Andrey, Radomir and Milada) serving you from our home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We found here similar virgin and pure nature to Siberia, where we wore born and raised.

Nature's Wisdom is a great source of healthy and happy life. Our main goal is to help people become healthier by using only natural remedies. Our values are to inspire people to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is of great significance, especially nowadays when living in big cities poses a lot of health risks. We promote the natural way of life, that -is living in harmony with yourselves and nature. All of us should feel as a part of the big eco system, as Nature is inside as well as outside us.

We currently offer several varieties of hand harvested, handcrafted, organic herbal mixes, which are made of wild herbs that were harvested by our family in the mountains of Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. 

The base of the majority of herbal mixes is Ivan Chai (Tea) which is Fireweed that went through fermentation process according to the traditional technology of Siberian herbalists. 

We also create natural skincare products, which are made with  high quality  ingredients such as wild-crafted, homegrown or organic plants, organic oils, salts and  essential oils. 

None of our products contain synthetic additives, petroleum products, artificial fragrance, parabens, or GMO's.

We will be happy to see you among our customers!